Thursday, March 29, 2012


Hi guys! I hope you got my invitation and that everything went through fine. As you can see, I went ahead and started the blog. The url is

As far as I know, everyone should be able to get their hands on Season 1 of Sherlock pretty easily. I have the DVDs, so let me know if you need to borrow them. As of right now the plan is to review the first episode, A Study in Pink, however if y'all enjoy the show we could definitely do the whole first season, as it's only 3 episodes long.

I think those are the basic housekeeping issues taken care of. Over the weekend I'm going to be reading A Study in Scarlet, as I'm much more well-versed in the Sherlock Holmes short stories than I am in the novels. If anyone cares to join me, that would be awesome. I'll also probably post some links to Sherlock related websites/videos/tumblrs/twitters in the next few days, and possibly make a master post of resources we find.

Anyways, that's pretty much everything I can think of right now. This post is basically for checking-in purposes.  Have a great weekend, everyone!
